Do you need accountants in Milton Keynes for your new business? 
Your trading options and their advantages and disadvantages are all explained in layman’s terms. We promise to keep the technical language to an absolute minimum. 
If you are a new business, you’ll receive all the time you need to help set up your new business, completely free of any charge. During this time, we hope you’ll choose to use us for your bookkeeping and accountancy needs. However, there’s no obligation on your part whatsoever. 

We can help you with initial business plans, budgets and cash flow projections. 

During our initial consultation we’ll review your detailed forecasts and projections for your new business. If you haven’t got that far yet, we’ll be happy to give you some advice. 
A blank piece of paper, a pen and a calculator can often be used to great effect. We’ll quickly identify and resolve financial issues your new business might face. 
You might be at the very early stages of developing your new venture. Accountancy services might not be a priority just yet. However, in our experience, it’s never too early to share your ideas with a good accountant. 
We suggest a face to face meeting so you can tell us about your business plans. Basic decisions such as whether to trade under your own name as a sole trader or to start a limited company can be discussed. 
If you need it, we can help you create a professional, realistic business plan you can confidently present to a bank or other commercial lender 

Some key issues that would usually be discussed include; 

should the new business register for VAT? 
registering with HMRC 
choosing a cloud based bookkeeping system 
claiming back pre-start-up expenses you have personally incurred 
types of expenses you can claim 
should the business purchase or lease a vehicle, or should you use your own vehicle? 
We will advise you of the various advantages, and disadvantages, of your options for the make up of the business, e.g 

Client Accounting Advice and Information Includes; 


Should your new business register for VAT? 
Must your new business register for VAT? 
What's the benefit of voluntary VAT registration? 
What are the different types of VAT schemes? 


Should the business purchase or lease a vehicle or should you use your own vehicle? 
What's the difference between leasing, contract hire and hire purchase? 
Should you claim a mileage allowance? 

Set up Costs 

How to claim back any set up costs you have personally incurred on behalf of the business. 
How you can lend the business money to keep it going until it starts making money. 
Whether you can charge the business interest on any money lent to it. 

Record Keeping 

Helping you choose one of our existing packages or tailoring a custom software package. 

Raising Finance 

If required, helping you formulate a professional, realistic business plan that can be confidently presented to a bank or other commercial lenders. 

Have any Questions? Get in touch 

Rock solid accounting support for your business 
Contact us today for all things accountancy & tax in Milton Keynes.